This was an INCREDIBLE convention season so far! The con population is BACK, baby!
We had TWO incredible events at Origins: Our Friday night Cthulhu Masters' Tournament, with an appropriately creepy and spellbinding scenario written by Chris Tatum, and an equally fantastic THE ONE RING EPIC, created by Jim Berrier and Chris Tatum! in the Masters' tournament, several tables played the same scenario and the table that completed the most objectives were THE MASTERS of the game. It was a wildly dark ride through a scientist's failed(?) work using Serpent people technology. THE ONE RING Epic was a two part game where multiple tables represented serveral groups trying different paths across Middle Earth to cleanse a Dwarven Stronghold held by Orcs! Both special sessions were in high demand and we will definitely be brining them back for next year.
We also had a GREAT time with our new friend and special Guest, Kelsey Dionne of The Arcane Library and Creator of SHADOWDARK! We were thrilled to host a couple great seminars and an out of this world LIVE PLAY with Stephen Glicker, Brandon K Aten, John Kovalic and Chris O'Neil!
So much fun at Origins we can't wait to do it AGAIN! Thank you to our staff, our registration team, our wonderful GM's and of course all the fantastic players who came and enjoyed the best games Origins has to offer!
Next article we will talk about GEN CON! Whoo boy!
Reach out to us on social media.
Are you a GM interested in joining us and running some sweet sweet games?